June 20, 2024
Photons Canada news

Photons Canada announces new member QuALITy

We are excited to announce the addition of the University of Victoria’s (UVic) Quantum photonics, algorithms, and light-matter interactions for technology (QuALITy) cluster to the Photons Canada community.

QuALITy is an Aspiration Research Cluster, a program established by UVic’s Vice-President Research and Innovation to support research excellence, facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and raise the external profile of the university through capacity-building resources and support. The Quantum Photonics Cluster brings together UVic researchers to create a robust collaboration on photonics, algorithms, and light-matter interactions for future technology.

“We are very excited to work with groups in Canada and new partners in Europe. We are open to collaboration with everyone,” says Thomas Baker, Canada Research Chair in Quantum Computing for Modeling of Molecules and Materials and cross-appointed to the departments of Chemistry and Physics & Astronomy at UVic.

Learn more about QuALITy at https://www.uvic.ca/research-innovation/strategic-initiatives/research-clusters/index.php or contact Thomas Baker at bakerte@uvic.ca.

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