Canada Biophotonics ecosystem in 2021
Topics in biophotonics presented during Photonics North 2021 in the “Biophotonics, Novel Sensing, and Advanced Imaging” lane have tackled the biomedical optical sensing/imaging technologies, image-guided drug delivery, brain imaging, clinical systems and applications, image-guided surgery, bio-inspired optics, and novel optical technologies for diagnosis and treatment.
Novel sensing encompassing a range of rapidly advancing technologies like fiber-optic and optical waveguide techniques, micromechanical oscillators, microcavity resonators, laser-based sensors, novel molecular probe design, nanoparticles and fluorescent markers, optofluidics, lab-on-a-chip, and small-footprint devices. All types of optical imaging technologies like 3D imaging, AR/VR, wearable display, image processing, computational imaging/spectroscopy, tomographic imaging, holography, high-dimensional imaging, multi-modal imaging, and advanced microscopy were present.
These sessions were chaired by Prof. Jinyang Liang, INRS-EMT, Canada and had 10 presentations from Canadian Researchers from all across the country, from Universities and R&D Centers and a presentation from Ajile Light Industries Inc. This shows that activities in Canada are taking place all across the country centered around universities.
Events in Biophotonics are also taking place across the country, in May 2021 a conference took place in Vancouver. A neurophotonics platform was also created to help validated tools across the Canadian neuroscience community and optimize usage of photonics technologies in end user facilities.
If you search the Photonics buyers guide online you will find 108 Canadian companies listed with activities in the Biomedical field providing components and software, design, and manufacturing.
It is forecasted by Reportsnreports in July 2021 that the global Biophotonics market size will reach US$ 55560 million by 2027, from US$ 35530 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 6.5% during 2021-2027. The Asia Pacific biophotonics market is expected to grow at a CAGR exceeding 13% over the next few years. Due to the augmented investment in R&D activities, coupled with the increasing prevalence of cancer, the market is expected to witness a substantial growth.
Recently announced developments by Silicon photonics technology company Rockley Photonics show that wearables will play an important role in healthcare. They unveiled a health monitoring solution that they call a “clinic-on-the-wrist” digital health sensor system. Through the technology, which uses a miniaturized chip that provides continuous, noninvasive monitoring of core biomarkers, Rockley expects to be able to overcome the key challenges associated with mobile wellness monitoring.
Global Biophotonics Market Size, Status and Forecast 2021-2027 : ReportsnReports – July2021
Sessions | Photonics North 2021-Biophotonics, Novel Sensing, and Advanced Imaging
COMPANY SEARCH | Photonics Buyers’ Guide | Photonics Marketplace
International Conference on Photonics and Biophotonics ICPB014 in May 2021 in Vancouver (
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